Sunday, February 18, 2018

Cette opération demande une élévation....

Sunday 18 February 2018

Sunny periods with rain 11 degrees

Yesterday started at 3 am when I woke up and thought it was morning, but of a later variety. An hour later, I finally nodded off again and then woke at eight and photographed my new haul of buttons. Some real beauties, from Japanese style flat daisy flowers to dark blue wedges to paler blue baskets filled with bobbled flowers. I would show you pictures if my computer allowed but it is sulking and I have just had to read a chapter of my book while it deigned to open up a page. As I am in bed, it is refusing to access the internet. At least the company tech guy has managed to get my Word Processing programme to work. When I try to open a document, it has taken to telling me that 'cette opération demande une élévation'. I have no idea what this means, but if there are any elevations upcoming, I am in the line ahead of this dratted machine. The printer is also refusing to connect to the network and I have left the cable in the UK so we are waiting for another one to turn up. How frustrating is technology.

Yesterday, still in the pursuit of new property, I started ringing up the houses which I had found for sale online. The first one belonged to a name I recognised as a lady I had worked with in the past. This was encouraging as it is far harder to say no to someone you know. I got a man on the line and he was extremely hard of hearing. I did get an appointment for Monday. I will have to take Strepsils in advance. The next three people weren't in and two people told me to sod off. Ah, the joys of immobilier.

OH decided we needed to whack some suspects ie take off the hot and warm list the people who had contacted the agency for property but were not replying to emails or phone calls. I get an email from a client who has been toying with the idea of making an offer since last year. 'Let's whack him !' said OH who is convinced this guy is far more of a suspect than a prospect. No, we were not whacking him. I wrote back and told him I have someone else who is coming next week and will definitely offer. He got back and said to let him know what happened. Why can't I ever get people desperate to buy. I then get a call from the French man (very tall) of a week ago. The one who had spent 40 minutes telling me why he didnt like the first house I showed him. He started telling me about why he was not, definitely not, in no circumstances about to offer on the second house. The one his wife really liked. He ended up by saying the price was far too high. 'So, what if it was lower ? Make an offer and we will see what the owner says'. An offer is a starting point ; we have something to talk about and if someone is in negotiation on a house, they usually stop thinking about other houses. 'I'm not making an offer !' bellowed Mr C over the roar of the trafic where he was parked 'it is up to him to say what is his lowest price !!'. He then disappeared. OH was of the opinion that if I rang the owner and asked for his lowest price, the owner would say it was my job to negotiate and not his. I rang back and gave him a suggested offer. The owner is very, very keen to sell but is a bit prickly. Any offer needs to be written and I need to find out what part of the purchase funds comes from a loan. Mr C had said it was a little loan. How little is little ? Mr C didnt ring me back and I suddenly realised it was nearly 1 pm and I needed to don the motley and head out into the gloom.

I had found the mill property on a site which carries private ads and it looked promising, with a separate house and a river which was strong enough to make electricity. The owner had told me to go from LC down the A10 for 1,5 kms and then turn right on a bend by a pavillion with white gates. I had the address and thought OK I dont need her to come out to the Mairie. Unfortunately I went one stop too far on the autoroute – in that French way, my GPS refused to acknowledge the existence of the town and the name of the town only appears on the overhead panels when you are heading east. I was heading west. It took 40 minutes and I got to LC and stopped in front of the Mairie and examined the instructions. Head for HV on the A10. I headed for HV, which turned out to be where I had just come from. The road was the A23. I fiddled with the GPS and it took me over some roads which were like tiny bands of sheet metal, sheen-bright and snaking. Eight kms later, I emerged onto the A10 and I was nearly back in HV. I rang the lady. She gave me more directions and I eventually found her, standing on the side of the road, 5 kms from HV with not a pavillion in sight. 'I knew you werent paying attention when I gave you instructions' she said ' you made a gros erreur'. 'I have been following your instructions for the last 40 minutes since I left the autoroute !!' I exclaimed. She got in and we went down a narrow road to the mill. The location was idyllic.

The house, built in 1760 was typical of this area with whitewashed walls, crisply painted dark red shutters and a pleasing regular distribution of windows around the centrally placed front door. Inside was another matter. Where the ceilings and beams had been painted white, the rooms were welcoming 'Le bonheur est dans le pré !' claimed the mantlepiece. Le bonheur was not in the duster or hoover. It was extremely dirty throughout. The son and his girlfriend were living free there and the mother had decamped. Upstairs, the wood had not been painted. It was very gloomy. Then onto the outbuildings – two vast barns one of which contained the turbine which would make electricity. The owner assured me that it functioned but the machinery looked very rusty and the bands were limp. Into another room and there was a serious amount of machinery. It was being taken away by a couple who had decided to become choclatiers and were thrilled to have found such authentic early 20th century chocolate working machines. These, also, were seriously dirty and rusty. There would be shed loads of work to do to render them fit to render any item comestible. I took lots of photos and the sun came out. This is the sort of property which people really like the sound of and want to visit, but are then discouraged by the enormity of the barns. The second house 'to renovate' was full of rubble. A bright new roof perched like a toupée on top of the ancient stones.

We did the contract and I went for a hot chocolate in HV. Last weekend's American had written and said would the mill owners accept an offer of …. It was under 20% of the asking price. The real answer was 'what the xxxx are you playing at ?'. I said he needed to make sure his brother wanted to come in on the sale and any offer would need to be written. He said he would think about it some more.

Back home and another 140 kms of fuel burned. OH made hake with stir fry potatoes accompanied by a crisp white. Early to bed as I couldnt stay awake.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Beeping, booming and cru-cru joy

Friday 16 February 2018

Still catching up on week's events

One of 2016's fun Christmas presents was an electronic key finder.  I had put it away and it had effectively been lost for 14 months but it suddenly turned up in a drawer.  I am always losing my phone.  The packaging promised that if you just say 'keys' or clap your hands, a beeper would sound and it would be a tranche de gateau to find your missing item.  It was wrapped in the sort of impenetrable hard plastic which makes the scissor blades skate sideways.  'Phone' I said, loudly.  The key finder started emitting a rather loud beep.  I pressed various buttons.  It carried on beeping.  I clapped my hands and said 'Phone' and it still didnt stop.  So I hid it in a ruck sack in the hallway and forgot about it.

Later on, when we were watching yet another episode of the Onedin Line, a broom fell over in the kitchen and a distant beeping started up in the hallway.   OH looked around.  I pretended not to hear.  Eventually it stopped.  Elisabeth was toying with the affections of both the posh toff guy and the dastardly Daniel Foggarty.  I crept up to bed and waited for OH to start banging about as he turned things off.  Sure enough, the beeping started again.  He didnt say anything but I could hear his brain whirring.....

This went on for a week before he isolated the sound.  Surprisingly, he didnt put it in the bin but has left it in the rucksack.  He shouts 'creep past it' to me as I head up the stairs.  Off course, this sets it off.  He just shouts 'shut up' at it.  And it does.

During our sejourn in the UK, quite a few properties had either withdrawn or been sold and the need for new stock is becoming imperative.  The phone rings on Tuesday morning and it is a lady responding to one of my adverts.  She talks at me for 20 minutes and I slot her into a morning appointment, as she will also talk a lot at me whilst I am at the house and I need to allocate time for this.  Wednesday morning and I am at the parking in front of the church, as organised.  No sign of the lady.  All the bars are shut so no possibility of coffee.  Look in yellow pages and find the name and a lady answers.  She sounds sort of the same but not as compus mentis.  Is she having a bad day today?  She says her daughter has been waiting for me since 9 am.  It is now 10.15 and we had a 10 am appointment.  She tells me her address and I drive into a very long driveway with high curved concrete walls.  There is no where to turn around.  A lady of a 'certain age' is waving at me from an upstairs balcony and I am just about to go up the steps when a voice stops me in my tracks.

'What are you doing here!  I have been waiting for you at the church'.  It is a whirlwind of a woman with thick, brindled, round-framed glasses and a forceful manner.  'Follow me', she shouted, running off.  I got back into the car and had trouble reversing out of the driveway.  The daughter came running back and, with a lot of arm waving, managed to extract me from the car wrecking curves.  'It is this house', she bellowed, waving her arms at a very ordinary looking 1960's jobbie.

She cranked up the garage door and we went inside and out of the rain.  She stood an inch away and carried on at full volume.  There was a heck of an echo in the garage and I tried to back off.  She got me by the elbow.  There were a lot of rooms and they were all empty and there was an echo in all of them.  A pain started to develop between my eyes.  Finally, we got out and went to the mother's house, which was much more sellable but unfortunately not for sale, did the sales contract and she gave me a chocolate.  She was still addressing me like I was an auditorium full of people.

'Are you a teacher?'   YES, L'HISTOIRE!!!  She boomed.

Home for a quick omelette and salad.  Must get rid of the 'life-buoy' which has appeared at midriff level.

The afternoon appointment was for the house which my Brits of last week had requested a viewing and then it transpired was totally unsuitable.  The poor dog was still outside and it was raining.  He was thrilled to have a visitor and we entered by the garage.  The seller makes sculptures in 'inox'.  A magnificent five feet tall model of an Infanta was guarding the entrance to the stairs.  I had extracted most of the information from the rival agents' details and the man had really good photos so we just did the sales contract and back home in under an hour..

Thursday dawned clear and cold and then the sun came out and it was a wonderful, blissful, warm Spring day with 18 degrees.  There is a sound which lifts the spirit like no other and there it was; the raucous, joyful cru cruing of cranes.  They milled in a great, chaotic multitude over our house before a small v split off and took direction.  Within a couple of minutes, the main band had organised itself into an arc and set off behind them.  

Winter is officially over and Spring is on the wing above our heads.  Felt thankful and emotional.  What a wonder is Nature.

Deep South

Friday 16 February 2018
18 degrees. Blissful warm day

Monday I was out with a client from the US. He had bought a pied à terre in town last year and now was back over from the Deep South of his country to the deep South West of mine and he was thinking of getting somewhere spacious with great views, and not isolated.

The day dawned grey with the promise of rain on the horizon. I rang the bell and jigged about on the doorstep. A cold wind was chasing some dead leaves along the road. A pair of long legs came down the stairs. Suede shoes with thick rubber soles. It started to rain. Hands were fiddling with a large set of keys and the door opened to reveal a tall man in his early 70's with an Arthur Daley hat and a moustache. We got into my car and we headed off into the gloom. He had a voice like syrup poured over waffle ; deep and rich and hypnotic.

The GPS was playing ball and took us straight to the house instead of into a field which is happened last time I tried to find this house. The man got out and looked around and pushed back his hat and said, 'aha'. It was not clear what this meant. We looked around each room and he said 'aha, ok'. The house, whilst having a 19th century exterior, is very modern inside. The heat from the underfloor system gave a gentle, uniform warmth which was delightful. 'You know', said the man ' it is VERY modern. I like things to be …... ' he paused for the words 'older...... you know what I mean ?' (Had he not looked at all the photos I had sent him ??) We left and headed south into the mountains.

We talked of Trump and Democrats and Republicans ; of children and of Ruanda and the Côte d'Ivoire and of renters and the difficulty of getting them to leave. He says there are no bailiffs, so you have to go and give notice yourself. His renter had not paid for months, and also had taken to storing his urine in large wine jars in the hallway. In the Deep South, pulling a gun on someone is viewed as a mere misdemeanor and carries a verbal warning. So when a renter doesnt want to leave and pulls a gun on him, he calls the cops and they are just not interested. The renter eventually left and disappeared. I suggest he looks for him on Facebook. People live and die on there.

We get to the village and the mountains are hustling in, their green pine-spiked flanks freshly covered with snow. I suggest a quick sandwich and we go to a boulangerie and take our sandwiches to a bar with windows over looking the river. It is in full spate and there is a thrash of broken branches caught on a dead tree trunk. He tells me about the genocide in Ruanda and how he had met and married a lady to get her out of the country. They go to the Côte d'Ivoire and settle down and think they will start a family. It transpires that the lady cannot have children and is HIV positive. Not being able to have children is a terrible thing in Africa and he says it is acceptable to take a second wife. His first wife says she is good for this and the second wife has twins. I ask do you all live together and there are two options. Either, yes, you can live together or alternatively you set the second wife up on a plot of land and she lives there with your children. The first wife is not, as it transpires, good with this. Now he is in the US with the children and is appalled by Trump, and wants to get out.

We go to the second house, an idyllic mill on a stream. The owners are very, very keen to sell and I always prewarn them to tone down their enthusiasm in case it looks like desperation. We are there two hours. The sun makes a brief appearance and the water sparkles as it rushes under the Roman bridge. My client says he is seriously interested.
I get home at 6 pm after having left at 10 am. OH is still painting the kitchen. It is turning a paler shade of yellow. My English clients from the weekend have emailed to say they have bought in the back of beyond. Am stunned. All that talk of wanting to be in a lively village with easy access to the sea and the mountains. They have obviously been seduced by a fabulous house at a knock down price. There are always reasons why fab houses are being sold for peanuts but no one discovers them until the day they try to sell. Oh big buggerations !! Have to tell the bad news to the lady whose house I was convinced that they were going to offer on.

There is some pizza in the fridge and we watch the Onedin Line. With 91 episodes, it should keep us going all year.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

When speeding is going slow......

Sunday 11 February 2018

6 degrees with sunny periods

Because it is Sunday I awoke at 5 am.  Very dark and no bird song.  It is a menace, this waking up early thing.  Margaret Thatcher ran the country whilst sleeping only four hours a night and waking at 5 am.  How is that possible?  Perhaps there was an engine under her hard hat hair do.  Theresa May looks like she needs a few lie-ins.  Her under eye bags are turning into suitcases.

Running on from Friday's visits, yesterday morning was round 2 with the English clients.  The small hotel carpark was nearly empty and they were running late.  I had placed them with an English couple who have just started a B and B and need the business.  They had had an excellent evening meal and then gone down to the local bar with the owners.  'Bit of a late night' said the lady.  

They were heading back to the airport and the house we were seeing was mid way, so they followed me in their hire car.  When I say follow, I mean that occasionally we were in the same post code.  I empathise with people who are cautious drivers but, 45 kms an hour, seriously?  It took a very, very long time to go not very far at all.  I kept on losing them as a flow of irritated French drivers overtook and flashed their lights and waved their arms.  I picked up a guy who drove an inch from my back bumper for 5 kms on a road where you cant overtake.  The house we were going to see was 58 kms away and the motor way was the only option so we took the next junction and really burned rubber at 95 kms an hour.  Most people go about 130.  The Pyrénées were magnificent with their crisp snow napped peaks.  Finally we arrived.

'You were motoring a bit' said the man.  The lady said they drove slowly because the last time they had been stopped for speeding.  I was stunned into silence.  OH thinks I drive like a slug.  If he had been driving, they would still be in the other Département.  I explained that it is possible, and indeed desirable, to go over 45 kms an hour on a route départementale.  The man said 'what is in the barn?'. I got them through the front door before he could start wrenching open the door.

The visit went well but they were still thinking of the second house of yesterday.  The late night out had opened their eyes to the social possibilities of living in our little town.  The lady said 'what do you think of this house' and the man said 'I dont know'.  He went off to climb up to the viewing platform which I had advised not to go on as the decking was green.  We stood at the end of the garden and watched him hanging into the rails as his feet skidded about.  The lady decided that the house was very masculine.  We agreed that that was fixable.  The man came back and we looked at the ugly concrete parking area.  'We could gravel it' he suggested.  There is a significant incline.  I imagined the chips sliding down into the ditch in front of the house.

The lady thanked the owner but the man got in the car and went without saying goodbye.  I was embarrassed.  Owner is very keen to sell and it is a lovely house.  I do wish someone would come along and love it too.  A former boulangerie, the old baking room has the original oven and he has just put in a beautiful kitchen.  I think of my Ikea kitchen and stroke the pink granite worktops....  If only.

Back home briefly and a bowl of noodles and an orange.  OH is painting the kitchen ceiling and the house is in a terrible mess.

To another town, half an hour away in a westerly direction and I find a car full of very jolly French people.  They are looking for a gite and house to live in.  We get to the first house and the car disgorges the lady, who I like immediately, a teenager with a shiny steel smile and a polite handshake, tattie (auntie) and a stupendously tall man. He could hook cranes with a rake.  

We get into the first house and they all follow me round (thank heavens because it is a rabbit warren) and then the man runs around the outside of the building and discovers that the back roof of the house is in fibrociment.  I am a shortie and hadnt seen this and the owners hadnt told me (ahem).  Fibrociment is a material which is used as roofing tiles and is an asbestos/cement sandwich.  Fine if the asbestos is in good nick.  A fortune to have taken away the day it starts to deteriorate.  The man spends 40 minutes telling me why he doesnt like the house.  He rings a friend to find out how much it would be to have the fibrociment taken away.

Finally, I get them back into their car and we go and see the second property and they really like this one (no fibrociment).  Many more bathrooms plus a heated pool.  A major rabbit warren.  We are there 1.5 hours and they ask for me to send the diagnostic reports.  The lady starts talking about how she would organise things for running the business.  Tattie uses the loo and makes a smell.  The teenager climbs a tree.  I want to go home.  It is 5.30 and I started at 9 and I have done nearly 200 kms.

Back home and it is still a terrible mess and we have the end of the seafood risotto.  OH wants to talk about holidays and I fall asleep on the sofa.

Woken by a German seller who had gone silent a week ago and whom I have been ringing and emailing.  He doesnt understand the document which the notaire has sent him to sign.  He then says something which makes cold chills run up and down my spine.  He thinks he is just selling the house and not all the land with it.  He signed the reservation contract back in August.  We had gone through the contract in great detail.  He has been very ill and I think he is confused and so, after about 40 minutes of going round in circles, I say I will get the notaire to email him and set everything out very clearly.  OH gives me wine and puts on the rugby.  'He cant pull out and neither can the buyers' he says.  

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Is that a broom cupboard I see before me?

Sunday 11 February 2018
6 degrees with sunny spells

A surprising flush of clients this week.  Often February is dead, estate agency wise, but not this year.  And not last year either.

First out of the blocks are an English couple who have mined to extinction the possibilities of the Dordogne and are now down in the deep south-west.  The area agent rings me up.  'Sell them something!' she exhorts.  They have seen an awful lot of property with her and if I find them a property, she will be in for a cut of fees.  

The meeting is in front of a small hotel in town.  I used to meet people in front of the big hotel but often they would go inside or be on the opposite side or think it was a shop.  No, it is an actual Casino.  No such problems with the small hotel and they are there but need the loo.  The trick is to look purposeful.  I march them past reception and into the loos and hide behind a pillar.  A waiter comes along and I edge carefully around so he cant see me.

Off to the first house, their declared favourite.  It all goes well until we get inside and I can see their faces dropping.  No matter how many photos people see, there is nothing like putting your feet inside a property.  I keep losing them - one minute I am leading and throwing open doors and shutters and then..... where on earth have they gone?  The man is not easily leadable and keeps saying 'what is in here,' and disappearing into cupboards and lofts and cellars.  'Is this the broom cupboard?' he enquires, holding the door open on a small room filled with mops, buckets, dusters and brooms  

They go outside to look at the pool again and I lock up and they have completely vanished.  I discover the man had come back in when I was upstairs and he is now locked in the garage.  I let him out and find his wife down the end of the road.  This is going to be hard work.  I get them back into the car and off to the second property.

'What did you feel about that house?' I ask as we are bowling along.  The man grips the side of the seat.  He feels he should have a steering wheel in front of him.  'We never talk about houses on the same day as we see them', he informs me.  'It is one of our things'.  Great....

We get to the second house and the lady leaps out of the car and says 'oh I like this one'.  We were there for over an hour and I only lose them twice and they are smiling as I take them back to the hotel and arrange to see them first thing. 'What do you think of the house?' says the lady to the man 'oh, I dont know' he replied.

A quick coffee and then it is time to meet a Scottish couple who are dressing as trawlermen.  It is really not that wet and cold here in Winter.  We head off into the light drizzle and attract the attention of passing motorists.  They have asked to see a tiny bijou of a town house with patio and pool.  The owner is present and has her chihuahua under one arm.  Barbara (name changed) is always immaculately turned out.  Today, she was wearing a natty ensemble of a cinnamon coloured fine knit top and a multicoloured panelled skirt and boots.  And jewellery.  Her default style is more is more.  She looked at the Scots and the Scots took in her finery.  'Come in' she breathed ' and welcome'.  As usual, the house was spotless and the Scots were impressed and spent a good half hour before heading off somewhere by Lourdes.  

I had a hot chocolate in the Casino and watched people on the slot machines.  The rain hammered on the cast iron and glass ceiling and seagulls shot over, in full voice.  Back home to more seafood risotto.  OH has made enough to feed a multitude.  He had spent entire day putting up one small heater in the bathroom.  Apparently the walls are hard to drill......

Thursday, February 8, 2018

As cold as the grave

Thursday 8 February 2018

3 degrees cloudy.  Feels bitterly cold.

Back to France and have left my diary back in the UK and also my boredom.  There is never nothing to do here.

It is market day and my first day driving since mid December.  It is bliss being behind the wheel and free again.  I pop into town and the market is in full flow, the traders wrapped up like babushki.  Their breath snakes into the air and the roasted chicken stall is attracting more than the usual number of optimistic dogs and cats.  I go and see the boulangere whose son committed suicide a couple of weeks ago, and give her a big hug.  What to say 'c'est la vie', she says, wrapping my baguette.  But it isnt, is it....

I then have coffee with the other lady whose son also committed suicide a couple of weeks ago.  She is in denial.  Her bridge dropped out and she thinks one of her dogs have eaten it.  There will be no quick fix as her dentist has also just died of cancer.  She has now been to four funerals in ten days.  The priest commented 'not you again'....

It is then time to go and do something which I have put off doing on the phone.  One of my sales is coming up to completion.  The owner works full time and has just lost her mother.  The buyers are obsessive compulsive cleaners.  They keep ringing me up and asking if the seller has cleaned up and emptied her house.  I broach the subject gingerly.  Alas, not gingerly enough.  She folds her arms and her eyes come out on stalks.  'What makes them think my house wont be clean?  That is such a horrible thing to say!!!  If they want to be difficult, I can be much more difficult than they can'.  She is also an estate agent but has been doing it less than a year.  At the start she was all smug because she had sold lots of houses.  This is a tough job.  It looks as if the gloss has worn off, big style.  I try and smooth things over.  'I lost my dog too', she adds.  I leave and think oh crap and I really hope they clean out the loft as the buyers will go nuts and are insisting on going round on the morning of the completion.

A quick quiche and then it is time to go and remind myself of what two huge gite complexes look like, ahead of Saturday's visits.  They are as cold as the grave.  Blast myself with the heater in the car.  Then onto see my German clients who, finally after seven months, have managed to get their loan approved.  We are also coming up to completion on this sale.  They are hovering in the driveway and there is another lady with them - the mother in law.  Her nose is very red.  I usher them inside where it is moderately less freezing.  They are ecstatic and the MIL is also very happy.

Back home and ring up lots of houses to get some appointments in the diary next week.  My seller who is an agent is in a building in the centre of town and people just walk in through the door and ask for their properties to be put on sale.  I have to go out and hunt them down.  Find a selection of houses and flats in my town under 200k and some wonderful ones further afield.  Leave a lot of messages.

OH makes seafood risotto which is divine.  After about an hour, I start feeling as if all parts of my body have returned to normal temperature.  Must wear more clothes tomorrow.  And my boots.  And thick socks.